Production goes ‘Berserk’ on location of upcoming Robert Brown movie

Production on Robert Brown’s latest movie “Berserk: Golden Age Genesis” began on location in Manassas, Virginia on June 10th. Originally scheduled to be filmed at Manassas Battlefield Park, production was temporarily halted by park rangers (who rode up to the actor and crew holding area on horses) to move production to another location. 

According to an official source, Brown did not have a permit to film on the property. Under the belief that it’s a public park and that filming could take place, park officials (who were tipped off by signs advertising the filming process and alerting park goers to be respectful) notified the cast and crew that the Berserk fan film would be “disrespectful” as thousands of people were massacred on the grounds nearby. Since the movie isn’t related to the massacre, production was moved to nearby Bull Run Recreational Park, after a recommendation by one of the park rangers. “At least she (park ranger) suggested another location we could film at” said a crew member.

Upon entering Bull Run it turned out to be the perfect filming location for Robert’s movie. The open greenery and vast landscape was the perfect backdrop for the time period of the project. Cast ‘acted’ as crew to help move and set up the holding tent, chairs, and assist with operating the camera. With no changing areas, cast had to change into costume behind trees or in the nearby woods. One of the actors accidentally flashed a nearby family with young children out on a family picnic. Near the end of filming, one of the actors suffered first degree burns and another one of the actors suffered an insect bite which caused a large boil on the side of their neck to appear. The sunburned actor was quoted as saying “I did it to myself! I was late for filming, so I rushed with looking for my sunscreen. Since I wasn’t focused, I overlooked it and when I got home to put on the calamine lotion what was the first thing I found? My sunscreen!!” 

Overall it ended up being the most fun actor Justin Gwin had on a set. He recalls “This was the most interesting and unique experience I have ever had filming a project! I love independent films ‘cause everyone works closely together and is like a family. There’s problems that end up making a great story ‘cause we all strategize and get creative in the moment!!” 

The main cast includes: Robert Brown, Don Brown, Amann Iqbal, Alden Phillips, and Aiden Beall. Justin Gwin makes his debut in the film as a featured extra. The film also marks Gwin’s first speaking role in a project. Most of the cast also were pseudo crew members with Aiden Beall working as the cinematographer, Robert Brown operating the camera, and Amann ‘wearing the most hats’ as she served as a: production supervisor, makeup and special effects makeup artist. Friend and sound technician Sophia Scotto served as the boom operator for the film. Scotto, Robert, and Justin worked on a student film for Virginia Commonwealth University two weeks prior to filming “Berserk”. 

Behind-the-scenes picture of actors Amann Iqbal and Justin Gwin

“Berserk: Golden Age Genesis” is a live-action fan film to the 1990’s animated manga series of the same name. Brothers Robert and Don Brown have been fans of the series since they were children. The film is in post-production with an estimated release date of September 2023. 


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